We started out Friday morning (7/17/15) at 6am by dropping the little ladies off at aunt Maegan's for the day. Saying goodbye was much harder than Derek or I anticipated.
Next stop, Dallas!
But first, a little waiting.
The moment I realized we forgot our Hong Kong guide book. We are somehow surviving without it.
Time to go!
First views of Hong Kong..
We finally made it! We then made our way through Customs in no time flat (literally less than 5 minutes), and met our social worker in the airport lobby. She helped us exchange our money and grab a taxi to our hotel (the Novotel in Kowloon). What should have been a quick 30 minute ride ended up taking over an hour due to an accident backing up traffic. The drivers here are just my style. Lots of honking and no apologies. The cab ride ended up being around $33 USD, but we thought it would be more convenient than any of our other options. Turns out we might have been wrong since we could have bypassed the traffic jam. It was the perfect time to catch a few zzz's though, since we didn't do much of that on the plane!
As soon as we checked into the hotel, Derek had important business to attend to.
Our room is a little smaller than we imagined, but so far we haven't spent much time here so it's not been an issue. We might change our minds when little man joins us!
After a quick cat nap, we ventured down to Nathan Road to find something to eat. Hong Kong really comes alive at night and we LOVED it!
We picked a restaurant that was upstairs in a hidden little alleyway and quickly realized our authentic Cantonese cuisine was actually Japanese. We cut our losses and enjoyed some delicious sushi.
We felt like that was enough excitement for one (two, with the time change) very long day(s) and headed back to the hotel for some shut eye.
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