My mind has been overflowing to the point that I don't know where to start writing. So I haven't written anything at all. Lets change that, starting... Now.
Derek and I have news. News I am not ready to come out and share just yet, because there's a million reasons we may fail at what we hope to do.
You know what? I've decided to just write it out. I'm not sure who I'm writing to (besides myself), but being afraid to fail isn't a reason to hide. Simple.
Derek and I have decided to add a member to our family through adoption. Right now it still seems like a far fetched dream. There are so many unknowns in the adoption world, but picturing a FIFTH Embry in 2014s Christmas card has us pretty darn excited. Now matter how far fetched it seems right now.. Just knowing there's a slight possibility my girls might soon have a brother is motivation enough for me.
And though this is something we believe we were meant/called/destined to do, we are so unsure if or when it will happen. The financial strain of an adoption seems impossible to overcome with two little ones at home already. Adoption is a rich mans game, I truly believe that. For a little perspective, the average cost of the program we have inquired about is $27,000.00. That's a lot of zeros. More zeros than our bank account can fathom right now.
So... Where are we in this process? Right now we are in the very earliest of planning stages. I am reading a few books about adoption and scouring blogs for sources of encouragement. The many happy endings I have read about make me want to go out and sign up with an agency tomorrow. And then I remember the $5-6,00.00 we would initially need to do so. Back down to earth I come. We are taking a serious look at our finances and making some tough decisions. It's amazing how things you thought you wanted / needed can become so incredibly unimportant to you after you've obtained them. Changes are happening in the Embry household, and it's getting a little exciting. There's a red jar on our kitchen island with a few coins tossed in it. Step one of adoption fund raising.
Feel free to come drop a few $100 bills in our jar while you're out. I promise we won't turn you down. We will pay you back in free hugs when Embry #5 makes their appearance.